Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Siebel Analytics Answers Erros out ORA-03113

ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel errors in Siebel Answers

Running a Request in Siebel Answers gives Oracle Error.

1: Select Few columns from opportunity, position dimension and Revenue Fact in siebel Answers, when we ran the Request it gives Odbc Erros saying ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel errors.

2: when we Take the Physical SQL from the log file and Ran the same query in toad, here too it gave the same Error.

3: when we checked with the DBA it was giving an Oracle Internal Error "Core dump"
4: After debugging the SQL in Toad with Trial and error method, came to conclusion that the 2 conditions used for a column in opty DX was causing the Error.

ie( Column with " IS NOT NULL" AND "<>'N' " for an attribute.

5: when we removed any of the condition the SQL runs fine in Toad, then after further analysis , by adding the same attribute which has the same two conditions in the select list ,
the issue got resolved in Oracle Toad as well as in Siebel Analytics Answers.


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